"Digital Literacy 2.0" was a project of the Digital Opportunities Foundation in 2012 - 2014.
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Digital Literacy 2.0: Train the Trainer and Qualify the User - An Account of the Implementation of the Campaign in Seven European Countries

by Barbara Blum, Katrin Schuberth, Stiftung Digitale Chancen
Published on: 18.09.13

Step One: Train the Trainer

Since the staff training campaign of the European project Digital Literacy 2.0 has been kicked off in February 2013 nearly 450 staff members in non-formal learning settings took part in train-the-trainer sessions. In those trainings the Digital Literacy 2.0 curriculum has been tested.

Until now Bibnet in Belgium could train more than 150 Flemish librarians in Belgium. A large number of further library staff will be trained by Bibnet until the end of September. The German project coordinator Stiftung Digitale Chancen trained 104 multipliers working in ten different social organisations nationwide which address families, senior citizens and migrants. Furthermore Pencho Slaveykov Public Library in Varna/Bulgaria could train 100 librarians. AKF in Portugal is cooperating closely with social organisations which, for instance, address parents, ethnic minorities and different socially disadvanted groups and introduced the training material in 14 meetings to 30 key persons who work at these organisations and will serve as multipliers. Other project partners of the consortium responsible for regional implementation could train on average 30 staff members in Poland, the UK and public library in Cologne. The staff trainings for 15 French librarians will be carried out in September.

Step Two: Qualify the User

After taking part in the train-the-trainer campaign multipliers in Germany, Poland and the UK have found individual ways of implementing the DLit2.0 curriculum in non-formal learning settings in various institutions.

From September on the public library of Cologne will provide two-hour evening sessions in which staff members counsel their visitors in the usage of web 2.0 applications in order to help them improve their daily lives and participate more strongly in society. Adults will learn about applications like Skype, Facebook, Twitter or Dropbox and try their hands at the use of tablet PCs.

BPURSUS in Warsaw offers courses for homeless people and senior citizens who learn about social networking, e-communication and basic computer and internet skills. Migrants, women and unemployed persons will take part in courses which focus on job search, e-citizenship and e collaboration.

Furthermore staff members of the British East Midlands Housing Group show their tenants in regular sessions how to go about their daily acitivities with the help of internet applications and tablet PCs. They write a blog about their teaching experiences in the context of the DLit2.0 project. The blog serves to document the success of the training campaign in the UK. It follows the process of implementing the new offer for the target group at different locations of the East Midlands Housing Group. The staff portray their activities and interactions with adult learners who regularly participate in sessions as well as the learning progress they are making. You can read through the experiences depicted by the multipliers and leave comments. The blog can be found at: http://dlit20.wordpress.com/.

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