"Digital Literacy 2.0" was a project of the Digital Opportunities Foundation in 2012 - 2014.
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(Start to web 2.0 in) 23 dingen (23 Things)

content of the course: Social networks and other Web 2.0 applications
target group: Teachers / pedagogues / librarians / trainer
name of institution: CVO VSPW Gent (adult education centre / Library School)
type of organisation: Adult education organisation
country: Belgium
type of curriculum: Fixed curriculum (step by step)
tools for trainer: Platform for exchange with other trainers
training Material for participants: E-Learning portal
duration of the whole course: not fixed (3.5 months in total) - not fixed (3.5 months in total)
place of the course: school, but mostly from home
funding of the course: Participant fee € per session, The institution task budget
dissemination of the course: Flyer / poster, Newsletter distribution, PR at public places, Participants recommendation, Website
contact person: Rita Sunaert

Detailed project information

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