Our goal
The goal of the Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Digital Opportunities Foundation) is to make people interested in the Internet and to support them with their steps into the digital world. We want them to become aware of the opportunities this digital medium offers and to make use of them. Stiftung Digitale Chancen was founded in January 2002 in Berlin by AOL Germany and the University of Bremen. Co-founders are Accenture and the Burda Foundation. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth have taken on the patronage.
What we do
Our service for Internet Beginners
With our support, everybody will easily get access to the Internet. Via our hotline the users can learn where there is a computer with Internet access in their neighbourhood, for example in an Internet café, a library or a youth centre.
Our Germany-wide database can be found on the Internet. The users just have to enter their postal code and they will get information on Public Internet Access Points in the neighbourhood and support with the first steps into the Internet.
Enabling Access
Internet Access Points enable people who are underrepresented in the Internet to get access - e.g., the elderly, or disadvantaged youth. Therefore the Stiftung Digitale Chancen supports the formation and the management of Internet Access Points in social institutions.
Our service for non-commercial Internet cafés
Information and advice on technical aspects, financing, courses and management issues - by phone, e-mail or on our website
Training campaign for youth multiplicators
Together with Accenture, the Stiftung Digitale Chancen developed a training for youth multiplicators for acquiring Internet competence by project learning. This training addresses the employees of institutions working with (disadvantaged) youths. The training campaign aims at improving the job prospects of young people.
Knowledge Network for experts
Our information portal - www.digitale-chancen.de - provides comprehensive data and analyses on the digital inclusion. Knowledge and experience are combined with the main focus on finding out the causes for not using the Internet and to develop suitable countermeasures. Experts support the Foundation as editorial partners by supplying authentical and carefully prepared data and materials on the different aspects of the Internet use and the underrepresented population groups.
For more infos visit http://www.digitale-chancen.de