"Digital Literacy 2.0" was a project of the Digital Opportunities Foundation in 2012 - 2014.
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DLit2.0 Curriculum

The developement of the Digital Literacy 2.0 Curriculum was publically funded in the EU Lifelong Learning Programme from January 2012 to February 2014. The original version can be obtained in seven languages free of charge here.

Please take into consideration further statements from the DLit2.0 partner consortium:

  1. As persons/institutions which remix the material it is possible to ask the DLit2.0 consortium for an endorsement so that the remixed version of the material can contain the sentence: "With recommendation from the DLit2.0 partner consortium."
  2. The authors request reporting back the changes which have been made and how the material has been used. Please contact us here.

bulgarianCurriculum Digital Literacy 2.0 (български, pdf)
englischCurriculum Digital Literacy 2.0 (english, pdf)
deutschCurriculum Digital Literacy 2.0 (deutsch, pdf)
françaisDigital Literacy 2.0 - Programme de formation en culture numérique (français, pdf)
polskiAlfabetyzacja cyfrowa 2.0 (polski, pdf)
portugesCurriculum Digital Literacy 2.0 (portuges, pdf)
nederlandsCurriculum Digital Literacy 2.0 (nederlands, pdf)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.